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Terima kasih  sabar & berusaha didik dia menjadi semakin berani, lebih Confident dengan diri sendiri. Terima kasih anjurkan banyak aktiviti yang sikit sebanyak mereka belajar untuk berkawan, bergaul, protect diri & built confident sebelum melangkah ke primary school. Banyak improvement yang kami nampak dalam diri dia sepanjang berada di Bright Hill
Mom A'isy Sufyan, Eco Tropics, 2024

"I feel very excited after sending my children to Bright Hill because they learn about Islam, Science and Mathematics.

The things that really flattered me is they can recite doa' with meaning in English"

En Mohd Adil Hakam, Lecturer

"I choose Bright Hill because they organize plenty of Fun Activities like Terrific Thrusday that will always be my favourite"

Puan Aszura, Dyson's Engineer

" My favourite part in Bright Hill is I do not have to worry about their teaching. I just need to tidy up the work and my children's homework"

Puan Rashidah Abdul Talib. Housewife

Testimony Parents Puan Rohayati from Bright Hill Taman Bukit Dahlia, November 2024

Testimony Parents from Taman Bukit Dahlia, December 2024
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